Tsawout 2015 - Everest VBS Day 2

Yet another beautiful day here at Tsawout! The kids are getting more comfortable and expressive of their enthusiasm during worship, and bonds between the children and the leaders continue to grow. Be it field games under a happy sun, making rainbow loom bracelets, or enjoying awesome skits at Bible adventures, lasting and precious memories are being made. Despite being up and about much of the time, we are feeling refreshed and ready to spend time with our Tsawout friends every day. Praise  God!

Day 2

Run children run! 

Artsy fartsy arts and craftsies. 

"Four square is love. Four square is life."
(Jon Lim requested the above statement be made. In truth, Jesus is life.)

Jessica, Amelia and Jennea enjoy some cheesy moments.

Charlotte: "I look so derp!"
Amy secretly agrees.

Justin and Tyler - lunch buddies for now, paper airplane buddies later.

The sharp angle of this fella's elbow acts as a physical expression of the sharpness of our team :)

Little Anthony and many little blackberries.

Behold the crab whisperers attempting to befriend crabby friends.

The classic Tsawout transit system.

 The secret angels who help make dinner possible.


Our backyard.


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